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hi this is my webbed site on the internet for things yayyy!!!!! it's very barebones right now... at some point i'll jazz this whole thing up when i come across a reasonable amount of freetime. in the meanwhile, it's just somewhere to archive things. i'm running into a problem where i'm using too many separate sites for tracking and it's sort of a pain to keep up with it all.
i also want to put my writing somewhere that isn't just my drafts or stuffed in a little corner so i've got a section for that now! at some point i want to archive my guitar progress as well.
here is my guestbook! i wanted to keep the one from the old vers of this site but for some reason 123guestbook does not let me log in anymore! anyways. i love media recommendations from other people so if theres something you really enjoy and want to talk about please tell me i will be so so happy!!!!!
and if you're curious, the archived version of this site... it was the first site i ever coded and also i was 17 so yea haha. i still treasure it dearly like a kind of time capsule even if it's a bit embarrassing.