my name's riley! i'm a 17 year old artist, nature lover, video game
enjoyer, and s'more things. i have a lot of love for the world that i
probably can't fit into this site, so i'm putting all of the little
things i wanna share the most here!
comics about stuff that happens in my everyday life or just like, thoughts on things and whatever. not actually daily but i'm gonna try to keep it consistent. you can check out the comic archive

issue #3: thinking
i've struggled with social anxiety for a long time and recently fell back on a lot of old habits. it's hard when it feels like i'm starting from scratch again, but doing scary things has always been more rewarding than yearning from afar.
Wandering and Solitude
on Act of Tenderness
by Cindy Lee
Cindy Lee is always at the forefront of my mind when I think of art I can't
quite wrap my head around, but am always enamoured by nonetheless. This
particular track combined with Kyle Mangione-Smith's video collage makes
it one of my favourites. I recommend checking out Cindy Lee's Geocities!
we're back! items page has been mostly formatted. div decorations still need to be set up and i need to make everything else on the left bar blue but yup yup. also i need to learn javascript so the buttons change the div without having to make a new page for each button. :) not a lot this time but i think i needed a bit of a break lol
feast your eyes with these new blinkies, hover transitions, extra graphics, and revamped directory bar! why do i have the same buttons twice on the same page, just in different places? because it looks AWESOME!! also i put a trainer sprite in the bottom right and even though i put it in the img files, it won't on the actual site? need ta fix that.
anyways i basically just have to fill in the center container's right-most scrollbar, then the bottom left container, and i'm done this page! obviously there are still gonna be some minor renovations to be made, but yeah. the hyperfixation went hard on this page. 3 days and this is almost done WOOOO!!!!!
bottom text section of the site has been turned into "song of the week". i was half looking for an excuse to talk about cindy lee, half trying to fill empty space with the first thing to come up in my head. audio player is not supported; prolly gonna need to fill that space with something else.
guestbook was added; still need to adjust colours bc they look a bit weird. comics started, comichive directory link working.
another box section has been added because there's a block of empty space at the bottom of the page. just have the divs set up right now, but i'm gonna make it a sort of hub for other site pages. might make the left bar directory redundant to have on the homepage...?
THE BIG DIRECTORY HOVERS NOW!! YIPEE!! kelly recommended the rlly cool idea of having my lil dude change depending on which text box is hovered over. maybe one day.... when i am more code savvy. :D
basically finished layout for homepage with some minor adjustments to still be made. a lot of info missing. broken links on directory bar. center div is centered on mac but not windows?
all of the cherries you pick,
bumbling their varying reds
leave tendrils in veins to curl up and imbed.
when the streetlights flicker on
and you stumble through these doors,
holes where they sprouted,
i will pluck the soured once more.
this is not your home and neither is it mine
but tend to my garden, as will i.
site created 03/23